As we head into a competition the following week, we have made our final touches to the robot as we are also heading out for spring break. We still expect all members that are available to be working in the workshop during break until competition at West Lafayette. Earlier this week, this website was hacked so we have been continuously working to get the website up, running, and more secure to prevent this situation from occurring again. Thursday, March 22nd, we had a couple of our members head to our local elementary school to promote our up and coming gardening project. We have created partnerships with many teachers to plant seeds in their own classrooms. We hope this will inspire kids to garden at home. We hope to inspire them to also help those around them who don’t have all the same privileges as themselves, and we explained this food will go towards people in food deserts, hoping to ignite this candle to brighten the darkness that has engulfed part of Northwest Indiana. We also discussed with the administration and principle the concept of reviving the garden behind the school that once flourished during our own time at the elementary school. We came to realize much of the faculty had the same connection as ourselves to that garden.